Review Aggregation

All your reviews from different platforms at one place

Do you already have reviews, likes or followers on several platforms? With Trustami you can pool all customer reviews, likes and followers easily within a few clicks and present them on your Trustami trust badge. This happens automatically, continuously and reliable. The aggregation of all your available reviews and customer experiences distributed over several platforms saves you time and money. Your only task is to link every platform and verify your ownership once – if necessary. We do and take care of everything else for you. Trustami provides you with an overview and the possibility to gain insights about your reviews without checking each platform every time. Through the weekly or daily review updates you will know where and how your customers have experienced your business anytime. These experiences can be written reviews, received likes, followed posts or viewed videos.

Get an advantage in your sector (E-Commerce, selling old and new cars, freelancer, service provider) and present your customers all your reviews at a glance. Be aware that feedback from satisfied customers is the best advertisement. Look at some of our examples and success stories for your sector.

Reviews are the best advertisement - therefore you should start using every single review!

Easy import

In order to import all experiences (likes, followers) and customer reviews from different portals into your Trustami profile, log in to your Trustami account, go to ‚networks‘ and select the desired network. After a few minutes, you will see the reviews in your Trustami profile. To assure that the imported network belongs to you, sometimes it is required to verify your ownership before your reviews from this network are shown publicly. You are able to switch every networks visibility between public and private at any time. This gives you the possibility to react in real time to unexpected events.

Reviews including customer experiences

Trustami as an innovative review provider is capable to get review texts or commentaries from third party platforms. This means that extracts of your review texts are presented on your Trustami profile or on your trust badges. For your customers it is important to read other feedback in order to trust you and understand why you are rated positive. For this reason, the customer can easily see relevant information and written reviews at a glance. Besides your reviews we also aggregate likes, followers, views and check-ins from social media networks, sales channels and rating platforms. Trustami combines all these channels and enables you to become trusted based on every little bit of reputation somewhere online.

Automatic updates

It is important to be up to date! Therefore, every imported platform, dependent on the selected Trustami package, will be updated periodically. This means that we are looking for new reviews and add them to your Trustami profile automatically. You don’t have to do anything, can focus on your main business and spend time for more important tasks.
Did you think about where your customers have already published experiences with your business?
Here you find our list of supported networks, you can use:

Available Networks