When Should I Trust Online Reviews?

Von 23. Juli 2014 Allgemein Kein Kommentar

Online reviews can be tricky to navigate. However, there’s a lot you can learn from the general tone of online reviews. Scanning for commonalities across time or complaints is key. There are some places where reviews are useful, and other places you should expect to find fake reviews by the dozen.

Fake reviews can be detected through the following points:

  • No review history, or newly created, anonymous accounts
  • An all-negative or all-positive review with no caveats
  • A review full of empty adjectives and either pure glowing praise or seemingly unsubstantiated anger
  • Exact, to the letter, details and proper names of products and services (to the point where only someone affiliated with the company would use specific nouns and trademarks)
  • A review history that consists entirely of overly negative or overly positive reviews—in indicator of a troll account, someone who only reviews to vent, or conversely employees or PR for a company or companies.

source: lifehacker.com
