Reviews and Experiences for buttjes & friends | Simone

Company logo of buttjes & friends

Reviews for buttjes & friends


Active networks

Inactive networks

Abstract of experiences with buttjes & friends

Period from 2016-04-30 till 2019-10-28
| | 2018-08-29
"Wunderbares Produkt"
| | 2018-07-27
"war alles super"
| | 2018-03-09
"Schöne Decke"
| | 2018-01-22
"Alles super!"
| | 2017-12-27
"Sehr schöne Tasche"
| | 2017-11-22
"Alles gut danke"
| | 2017-11-16
"Ganz toll! Danke"
| | 2017-11-10
"Super schön"
| | 2017-08-06
"Sehr zuverlässig."
| | 2017-07-26
"Alles bestens"
| | 2017-07-25
"Alles top gelaufen."
| | 2017-04-21
"Sieht gut aus!"
| | 2016-12-13
| | 2016-12-09
"sehr schön!"
| | 2016-11-03
"Alles super & danke!"
| | 2016-11-02
| | 2016-08-02
"traumhaft schön"
| | 2016-07-22
"Tolle Arbeit!!!"
| | 2016-07-03
"Alles Prima!!!"
| | 2016-06-27
"Super toll"

Authenticity of Reviews

Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.

Information about
buttjes & friends

Active networks:
Experience on networks (years): 12
Likes: 324
Followers: 517
Trustami profile visits: 212855

Online identity:
buttjes & friends is a company that offers articles and services in the categories Alle Produkte, Schultüten, --> Tiere und Fabelwesen, --> Sport, --> Helden und Heldinnen, --> Fahrzeuge und Technik, --> schlicht und schön, Geschwistertüten, Taschen, Kulturbeutel / Waschbeutel, Mützen / Loops, Hoodies / Kapuzenpullover, Shirts, Kissen & Decken and Turnbeutel. Especially on Facebook Pages this enterprise stands out with above average ratings, reviews and customer experiences and is among the best 10 percent of all sellers. buttjes & friends is represented on Facebook Pages,, Facebook, Amazon and Etsy.
Keywords: reviewsratingsbuttjes & friendsSimone

Last known profile changes:

Trustami Top Rankings for buttjes & friends

Online Experience
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Social Influencer

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