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Réseaux actifs:
Expérience en réseau (années): 13
Likes: 2 388
Follower: 3 871
Contributions: 1009
Appels de profil Trustami: 117530
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Trustami Top Rankings pour WiLaNo
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Avis sur WiLaNo
Réseaux actifs
2 337 Follower | 1 009 Contributions
470 Follower
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Nouveaux avis dans la période du 01.03.2024 à 01.02.2025
Extrait d'expériences avec WiLaNo
Période de 18.01.2018 à 28.02.2024
| | 28.02.2024
"Eine ganz tolle Frau...wahnsinnig kreativ und ihre Gewerke sind wunderbar"
| | 20.07.2023
"Great item, as always. I go back every year for a new planner from this store. I'm never disappointed"
| | 02.07.2023
"The item was exactly what I wanted. A year calender that blocks off into weeks. I'll get another next year."
| | 01.07.2023
"Alles gut, gerne wieder"
| | 24.06.2023
"süß gemacht! Wir haben es für den Beginn der Sommerferien gabastelt"
| | 17.06.2023
"Absolutely lovely calendar! We put it on the side of our fridge and it definitely became a statement piece! The colours are high quality as is the paper. I will buy another one for next year."
| | 14.06.2023
"Gorgeous, fit exactly into the space I wanted. Colors are exactly as pictured. Will likely get another next year. Delivered pretty quick for coming across the Atlantic."
| | 11.06.2023
"Schönes Design, immer wieder verwendbar"
| | 05.06.2023
| | 23.05.2023
"Love this."